SABO Tech News - September

SABO Tech News - September
September 30, 2020
Based on our experience, we have decided to start posting a blog digest about technology changes which have an impact on our projects and customers. We realized that not everyone has time to study all important updates and news coming from different IT producers and can quite easily miss important requirements that could, for example, suspend a customer app from the Google or Apple store, causing many headaches and rushes.

So we will take the time to inform you about changes which we consider to be important. This shall be a regular blog post, thought it depends a bit on the amount of changes.

Here we go...

Apple has released a new version of operating system v14 applicable to iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices. As we played a bit with the AR kit for our Machine Learning demo, I found it interesting that the new version supports better anchoring, especially when bound to a map location. This of course opens many possibilities for travel or game applications that can take an advantage of such a feature. Anyway, before you plan to release a new version for v14, check these developer release notes , so you do not miss something important.

A colleague of mine drew my attention to one lesser known source of news: It is about changes in the "App Store Review Guideline". We initially thought that it is distributed only via e-mail; however, after some digging we found that we can pull it from the Apple Develop NEWS page.

Not sure if you know, but for those who of you who want to run clean Android OS on your phone, go and check out the Android One edition. However, this clean Android is not available on every phone, but you can find an updated list on wiki.

Google released Android OS v11 on the 8th of September, 2020, currently only for its portfolio of Pixel devices. However, we expect other producers to introduce it soon as well. Personally, I like most the feature that allows you to finally record audio without the need for an extra app. Google is as well pushing ahead its Assistant and improves it with an extra load of machine learning. For those who are open to new ways to control and work with our mobiles this becomes handy. Of course, this comes with bunch of changes for developers, so you better check it out.

Last but not least,  I have one nice web page for you to check before you plan to upload a new app to the Google App store.

From our perspective, Microsoft‘s biggest announcement is the new .Net 5 framework and its interoperability across platforms. Immo Landwerth wrote an informative article and explained a bit the consequences for developing new applications with the MS stack.

For those who still use Microsoft Office 2010, be aware that you are out of support options and you should update soon. There are many MS apps which are now no longer supported, but I will let you investigate it by yourself.

Amazon has the biggest share in the market in cloud technologies, and due to the big range of products it can be sometimes hard to find info about important news. So, I was glad I  found this guy Corey Quinn (thanks Pavel for the tip) and his blog where he posts the most important changes in the AWS technology stack on a weekly basis.

From what I could find, the most important change relates to the S3 product and its integration as S3 buckets created after September 30, 2020 - it must be accessed in the form <bucketname>, not<bucketname>.

Before you go back to work, don't hesitate to check out the list below. I consider these links to be very interesting.

  • Have you read the new article from GPL-3? Well I guess you could not recognize that it is written by a machine. Go and check yourself.
  • Nice move from Amazon by publishing their internal ML courses to the public. Well done, as ML is applicable almost everywhere these days.
  • I am more and more astonished by the progress of body movement tracking. I guess one day there won't be any referees, but a perfectly trained ML model that will be able to recognize the slightest details and assign the proper classification.


Jaroslav is a dedicated member of the SABO core team, committed to excellence in his work. With a broad range of experience, he has progressed from being a developer to taking on roles as a solution architect and team leader. In addition to his technical expertise, Jaroslav actively contributes to business and team development. He is currently leading a team focused on advancing applications in machine learning and artificial intelligence. In his free time, he enjoys indulging in Red Thai Curry and exploring the Jeseníky Mountains on his mountain bike.

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