Help Ukraine

Help Ukraine
March 1, 2022

We, the team of SABO come from eight European countries and wish to live and work in a free and peaceful Europe. We express our solidarity to all people harmed by the war in Ukraine, including our colleagues and their families.

Please consider aiding those in need in these trying times:

Caritas International


Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

UN Crisis relief:

People in Need:


Thomas is managing director and owner of SABO Mobile IT. His education in computer science and psychology fields has been followed by rich business experience since the 80s and guarantees high proficiency. He has been the founder of several companies in seven European countries and in the USA. He is an innovative hard worker, respectful character, and inspirational boss.

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About SABO Mobile IT

We focus on developing specialized software for our customers in the automotive, supplier, medical and high-tech industries in Germany and other European countries. We connect systems, data and users and generate added value for our customers with products that are intuitive to use.
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