Thinking progress regionally

Thinking progress regionally
September 1, 2021

Who knows Bühl? The older ones know the "Bühler Plums", a formerly very popular fruit variety from Bühl.

But UHU, LuK clutches, GMT, and Gallenschütz revolving doors also come from this small town in Baden below the Black Forest, and Bosch has a large site there.

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, along with the institute of Prof. Dr. Ovtcharova, the city of Bühl, and companies located there, has founded the RegioMORE initiative to build a platform for innovation in industry, in which the many medium-sized manufacturing companies from the region are invited to participate. SABO Mobile IT is looking forward to a coworking lab that will be supported by the city and the state of Baden-Württemberg.

In this way, our innovative ideas for the digitalization of industry can be easily tested in practice.


Thomas is managing director and owner of SABO Mobile IT. His education in computer science and psychology fields has been followed by rich business experience since the 80s and guarantees high proficiency. He has been the founder of several companies in seven European countries and in the USA. He is an innovative hard worker, respectful character, and inspirational boss.

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We focus on developing specialized software for our customers in the automotive, supplier, medical and high-tech industries in Germany and other European countries. We connect systems, data and users and generate added value for our customers with products that are intuitive to use.
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