The project "SLEM" wins funding from AI innovation competition Baden-Württemberg

The project "SLEM" wins funding from AI innovation competition Baden-Württemberg
January 11, 2021
The project "SLEM" wins funding from AI innovation competition

With the project "SLEM - Self-learning and self-explanatory machine", in cooperation with Fraunhofer IPA and Knowtion GmbH and with the participation of the machine manufacturers ARKU and groninger, we have won funding from the AI innovation competition Baden-Württemberg. SLEM aims to make the operation of production machines significantly more intuitive, effective and safe through the use of AI.


Thomas is managing director and owner of SABO Mobile IT. His education in computer science and psychology fields has been followed by rich business experience since the 80s and guarantees high proficiency. He has been the founder of several companies in seven European countries and in the USA. He is an innovative hard worker, respectful character, and inspirational boss.

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